Today the business has become very competitive and complex. This is mainly due to changing taste and fashion of the consumers on the one hand, and introduction of substitute and cheaper and better competitive goods, on the other. The old dictum “produce and sells has changed overtime into “produce only what customers want”. The important requisites for success in a modern business are :
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Objective |
- Clean objectives :The objectives set
forth should be realistic and clearly defined. Then, all the business efforts
should be geared to achieve the set objectives. In a way, objectives are
destination points for an agribusiness.
- Planning : In simple words, planning is a pre-determined line of action. Planning is a proposal based on part experience and present trends for future actions. In other words, it is an analysis of a problem and finding out the solutions to solve them with reference to the objective of the farm.
Planning - Research : As indicated earlier, today the agricultural production philosophy “produce what the consumer want”. “Consumers” behaviour is influenced by variety of factors like cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. The business needs to know and appreciate these factors and then function accordingly. The knowledge of these factors is acquired through market research. Research is a systematic search for new knowledge. Market research enable a business in finding out new methods of production, improving the quality of product and developing new products as per the changing tastes and wants if the consumers.
- Finance : Finance is said to be the life-blood of business enterprise. It brings together the land, labour, machine and raw materials into production. Agribusiness should estimate its financial requirements adequately so that it may keep the business wheel on moving. Therefore, proper arrangements should be made for securing the required finance for the enterprise.
Proper plant location, layout and size : The success of agribusiness depends to a great extent on the location. Where it is set up. Location of the business should be convenient from various points of view such as availability of required infrastructure facilities, availability of inputs like raw materials, skill labour, nearer to the market etc. Hence the business men must take sufficient care in the initial stages to selected suitable location for his business.The sine of the business is also important because the requirement for infrastructural facilities and inputs varies as per the size of the business. The requirement for raw materials, for example, will be less in a smaller sized firm than a larger size firm.
Efficient Management - Efficient management : One of the reasons for failure of business often attributed to as their poor management or efficient management. The one man, i.e. the proprietor may not be equally good in all areas of the business. Efficient businessman can make proper use of available resources for achieving the objectives set for the business.
- Harmonious
relations with the workers :